This is the first newsletter of Innovation Foresight Institution (IFI) under National Innovation Agency (Public Organization) (NIA). We aim to provide news and information about foresight that would be beneficial for the members.

"Eat" for the future
Dr. Pun-arj Chairattana (February 2020)
"Foresight" and "food" are two things that definitely relates to everyone. Since, food is one of the four basic needs, we have foresight routine like "What should I have for lunch?" "What should I buy from the market to cook during this weekend?” "Where and when the ingredients will be on sale?” These questions are all "foresight for eating" and we don’t need any complicated tools to find the answer. For this reason, foresight for food has something to do with of us. However, it's not that easy to change the food development.

When the population increases, the demand for food is also increasing, emphasize on safety-health-sustainnability. So, Advenced Foods technology is important in order to produce sufficient food with hight nutritional.

Overpopulation can fix with ‘Meat’ from Air
As the global population continues to increase, producing enough meat is becoming more challenge, while also having a harmful effect on the environment. To solve this problem, Air Protein, California-based firm, has developed a probiotic production process that uses microbes to convert carbon dioxide in the air into a protein substance that has the same amino acid profile as an animal protein.

Who said white bread is bad for health!! Scientists finally discovered how to create “High-Fiber White Bread”
If you like soft white bread but still worry about the lack of fiber content in its flour, this problem is solved. Now, an international team has discovered the gene responsible for the fiber in flour, and have been able to produce white bread that is high in fibers.
Innovation Foresight Institute (IFI)
National Innovation Agency (Public Organization)
73/2 Rama VI Road, Rajdhevee, Bangkok 10400,
สำนักงานนวัตกรรมแห่งชาติ (องค์การมหาชน)
73/2 ถนนพระรามที่ 6 แขวงทุ่งพญาไท
เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพฯ 10400